In a gripping rescue mission set against the stunning backdrop of Mount Kilimanjaro, an injured elephant bull captured the attention of conservationists and wildlife experts on April 11.
The elephant, spotted limping near the Amboseli National Park Kimana gate by vigilant KWS rangers, raised concerns due to a suspected spear wound on its foot.
The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (DSWT) played a pivotal role in three crucial elephant treatments within the Tsavo Conservation area in April, utilizing its helicopter and Super Cub aircraft for these operations.
In a swift response to the report, the DSWT-funded Tsavo Mobile Veterinary Team, led by KWS Veterinary Officer Jeremiah Poghon, mobilized for action.
Efficiency was paramount as the team employed aerial transport via the Trust’s aircraft to reach the injured elephant’s location.
The team successfully darted the bull with precision and care, ensuring its immobilization within an impressive 12 minutes.
Once sedated, the sizable bull required gentle assistance to settle onto its side, exposing the injured foot for treatment.
Dr. Poghon and the veterinary team took immediate action, revealing a spear injury penetrating the sole upon closer examination.
Prompt intervention was crucial to prevent infection and safeguard the elephant’s health.
The veterinary team provided optimal treatment through meticulous wound cleansing and debris removal, offering a favorable prognosis. However, a follow-up session after one month was advised to monitor progress closely.
Upon awakening from sedation, the majestic bull gradually regained consciousness and rose to its feet, signaling the success of the rescue operation.
KWS is committed to monitoring the elephant’s recovery, prepared to administer further treatment if needed, ensuring its continued welfare within the Tsavo Conservation area.